Looking to Book a Service?
Taxi, Bike, Food, Doctor, Nurse, Teacher, Gas, Plumbers and More services available.Our Services
Grow Your Business With Our Primesewa App Offering 60+ assortments of On-demand Services.-
Taxi booking
Sit back, relax and go anywhere you want. Book a taxi to your destination in few clicks. Equipped with high-end features for you to enjoy the ride without any hassles. -
Moto Booking
Best travel option for solo commuters. You will never have to wait for the buses in queues and pay the soaring fares. An affordable option for daily commute to book in few taps. -
Jar & Gas Cylinder
More Services
How It Works
Offering a robust, and strong platform to serve multi-services that comes with a simple workflow.-
Login OR Register
If you have a valid PrimeSewa account kindly login otherwise, register a new account for PrimeSewa. Insurance 24 hours secured
Choose Service
Choose the service that you wish to avail of and book the same making payment by choosing from modes like cash, card, or wallet.
Track Your Job
As soon as you book a cab/service/delivery order the users can track on real-time can track the delivery provider on a real-time basis in graphical icon form via in-app notifications.
Its Done!!
A user is notified when the trip/task is accomplished. The app asks for the review and rating to the provider/provider/store after the end of the order/ride request.